Table Games or Indoor Fun

Out on the front porch, you’ll almost always find a checker board set up next to two rockers. There’s another table, a larger one, big enough for several to play whatever table game they choose. A whole stack is on the bottom shelf of the big bookcase inside the front door, next to Joshua’s desk.

“Want to try your hand?” asks Grandpa, looking up from a game of dominoes he’s playing with Sam, Olivia and Betsy Mullins. “You can take my place. Don’t worry if you’ve never played before. You’ll catch up real fast, and I guarantee you….this is a game you’ll want to play for the rest of your life. When you get it mastered, let me know. Just like cards, there’s really lots of ways to play.”

Actually, you’d have to stay around for about six months to learn all the games Grandpa knows. There’s:


To learn much more about the recreation, culture and conflict in the days of the American Civil War, check out Just Following Orders: Escape from Guerrilla Warfare in 1863